Necessary Tips For Those People Who Use Private Transport

The public transport has always been a source of discomfort to the traveler, in spite of any country; from the most developed countries to the 3RD world countries people have been facing the same issues. The UK has been considered the one most developed country in the world, the law and order and freedom of speech has given a strong foundation for its stability but there are certain areas where these things need special attention. The victims have been assaulted much time, but the weaker part is, why they are not taking action against it. The negligence has empowered the negativity . A strong response from the victim can not only help in their personal protection, or this may cause the rectification. What to do if you are a victim? 1) Ask the assaulter to stay back, before taking any further step make assure about his attentions. 2) If assaulter does not get back and you assured that his attentions are not good, then use your p...